Building Your Story For when you don't have the time.

Elevate Your Digital Presence & Become The Authority In Your Field.

Our Agency Utilizes AI & Ghostwriting to Help B2B & B2C Professionals Build & Manage Their Personal Brand To Gain More Clients, Users, and Consumers.

We understand your approach

We know it is hard building your personal brand.

We know that you are spending tons of money and time in the business, and realize the importance of a personal brand but don't have the time.We understand you aren't getting impressions, conversions fast enough and don't see the vision for yourself.We understand how hard it is to get yourself to put yourself out there.We are in a time where AI will cause markets to saturate and it will be harder for people to stand out & monetize their businesses and themselves.Our Services include writing Linkedin Posts,

We Combine the 2 Mediums.
Branding is Authentic.
AI is artificial.

Providing Consistency & A Do-it-For-You System.

For the entrepreneur that just doesn't have time & founders that need eyes.

With a network of high quality writers specializing in business, and already have viral ranking articles that are getting eyeballs everyday, we lead the way in giving you the opportunity to be noticed, mentioned, and grow your personal brand & even gain attention from investors.We are not a social media marketing agency that just posts things, we are about branding. Building a brand is something that you will thank yourself for today & later. Branding is what differentiates you from your competitors and allows you to sell anything for however much because its not about the product anymore, it's about you and the story behind it.

Our mission is to help companies garner more attention organically through a genuine and effective approach. While many businesses rely on conventional strategies and either fail to grow or fail all together, our platform recognizes that capturing online spaces through building your brand is the modern path to launching and growing your business. Whether you aim to attract new users, gain edge over competitors, enhance credibility within your niche, or secure funding as a startup founder, our services provide the strategic edge needed to thrive in the competitive online landscape.


Market Research:As part of the content preparation strategy, we conduct keyword research, perform YouTube keyword research, check for trending topics in your space, and then leverage AI prompts to effectively condense content, along with delegating specific articles to AI for content creation so you can really connect with your niche and target audience.Quarterly Content Research (DGPF):Analyze the target audience's preferences and demographics, compile a wants and needs list for the audience, and construct a 7-stage buyer process tailored to their needs utilizing AI so you can connect with your consumer at every stage of their journey.Personal Brand Design:For the branding process, we create a comprehensive design package that mirrors the client's identity and values, including logo design, emulation of the current website design, integration of quotes and visuals, and the utilization of AI tools to craft diverse design elements. Additionally, we conduct a neuro-web design audit and heatmapping to ensure effectiveness, providing SVG files and shape masks for branding assets. This helps the client build A BRAND that resonates with who they are trying to connect with.Content Strategy:In content strategy, we strive to balance direct response with branding, automate tasks like auto-follow and newsletter invitations, devise a custom strategy based on both the plan and AI personas analysis, tailor content for social media platforms to enhance audience engagement, distribute content across multiple channels including ads, newsletters, and social media DMs, leverage AI-powered content visualization platforms for optimization and strategy visualization, and prioritize SEO-driven content creation with regular updates and optimization.Content Creation:Based on our AI research tools, and your custom content strategy we discussed on, we begin creating articles, short form posts, Linked-in Posts, Instagram Posts, Press Kits, Comparison Sheets, Guest Posts, Youtube Videos, Digital Courses, Newsletters, all done-for-you. We engage with your community, explore sponsorships, collaborations, and generate the best content opportunities.Monthly Key Relationship:Monthly, we prioritize key relationship building by actively engaging with influencers, promoters, and communities to socialize the brand, leveraging alliances in each category to broaden our reach and credibility, while also seeking opportunities like speaking engagements and endorsements to elevate brand recognition and authority. This comprehensive plan encompasses various activities focused on content preparation, brand design, and strategic content creation, all aimed at boosting brand visibility and enhancing audience engagement.

how it works in 8 simple steps.

1. Sign Up: Get A Free AI-Powered Content Audit + Strategy Consultation Report within 3 days by filling out our form.2. Monthly Interviews: Book a free meeting time that works for you to meet with us and tell me about yourself along with your interests, odd beliefs, future goals and vision. This will essentially be a 1-time monthly interview conducted by us to pick your brain & create new content.3. Strategy: We then lay out a 3-6 month Personal Brand Building plan for you based on your goals. We try to get you authority within the space on the internet where your potential buyers and investors are. We have you tell your greatest lessons, stories, and insights and get you more supporters by default.4. Research: We start creating content list on your behalf utilizing AI research for keywords in your niche that you could personally dominate, and rank first for in search terms across all channels.5. Progress Analysis: Receive Weekly Progress reports on what is being worked on, and monthly statistic reports on what has improved within your brand and how it is improving your business conversion rates, impressions etc. Have your content improve each month once we learn more & more about your customer persona.

6. Future Tech Recognition: We help you gain you more press, gain recognition opportunities in AI Search Engines, Web-3, increasing user base overtime & getting labeled as "premium" in your niche.7. Content Distribution: We will search for more ways for you to gain visibility through "content distribution." which is scaling up content that performs well to other platforms.8. Monthly Payments: Pay a fixed monthly $1279 payment based on your needs for our service and continue building longevity within your business career and personal brand.

Perfect solution for "multipreneurs." or Future "One-Person Business" Owners. Gain early momentum in every new venture.

Gain more trust from venture capitalist.

Gain more trust as a founder and get recommended by AI.

Harvard Business Review recently stated how building a personal brand matters now more than ever for founders to establish trust. Venture Capitalist look at founders and want to know who they are investing into, as well as whatMore technological advances and democratization is happening and allowing more & more people to enter the marketplace, personal branding will be one of the only value propositions left in the next 10 years.Marketing expert Neil Patel even mentioned that ChatGPT will become a new source of search for consumers, and two factors he said in his recent webinar that will help your business rank include recommendations and mentions around the web.Feel free to take a look at the article above to see the new changes that are taking affect.

Include this in your marketing strategy to avoid failure

Avoid falling behind your competitors.

Tech softwares and tools will start becoming a more competitive market. No-code tools are now becoming a thing, and everyone is already starting to create the same solutions and tools. More people are using AI to build their online presence so there is competition in that field too, you need to be positioned as a premium source and the only way to do that is to start building your personal brand effectively and early.Avoid stressing when business conversions are running slow.Avoid dreading about being inconsistent, or scared to put yourself out there.Avoid getting left behind by companies that are establishing personal brand identities, and have better solutions than you.Avoid being just another CEO that no one knows about creating a tech tool that everyone has seen already.Avoid getting overlooked by Venture Capitalist that only see the product but not whose behind it.Avoid starting every business from scratch with no advantage, because you sold your last business and now the only asset you have is capital.

Gain a dominating online presence.

Simple pricing. Be more happy. More productive. Work on what matters.

Gain a bigger online presence that resonates with people.
Gain more credibility.
Gain more impressions & conversions.
Gain more users.
In that order.
Partner with us and have more time to work on what matters.At MEVE, we try to work within companies marketing budgets of what they are already spending and try to get them a bigger ROI, pricing is the base amount of $1279 but we have a custom package options based upon marketing budgets, you will essentially be hiring us as contractors for your business. 7-Day Money Back Guarantee.

What Our Clients Are Saying..

Personalized approach and a fixed $1279 monthly payment.

We write everything in your voice, just like you.
We find out what works for you and what doesn't so you don't have to.
We help you gain more conversions than traditional advertisements more and more overtime. We want to get you to a point where in the next 9 months, all you have to do is a make a post, and get a 50% increase in sales.Go from not knowing how to grow your business longevity, and stand out from the crowd to having a dedicated audience at your finger tips.Most founders have to hire a branding strategist, creative director, content strategist, brand ambassador, and an editor.What if you just hired a ghostwriter and got the same benefits and even more leverage?